Saturday, March 03, 2007

Don't you feel the need of some relax?

After so much talking about money, computer, internet.. Don't you feel the need of some relax, mates?
Try to close your eyes, try to put in words what's into your mind.. Ain't that something similar to Sun, Seaside, Beach and Fun? I guess it is, oh damn it's really it!
"But for sure this will remain a dream; where I live, it's so hard to find all these features together!!". It's ok, but perhaps you haven't considered the chance to buy a property in Florida , maybe the country that best fits to description I have listed before.
Guess it's the best chance to enjoy all Florida's goodnesses, such as Disneyland (great for your children), Sun (great for your mood!! ) and the hospitality of local people, trained of welcoming tourists from all the world.
And you could be one of them, if you take this chance.

Plan to pass from Windows to Linux

These days, during Microsoft's promotion of Vista, I am planning to migrate from Redmond's software house Operating System to Linux' one. I am fascinating from Open Source's philosophy, from Mozilla to Linux passing through SPIP.
But I need a suggestion: what distribution of Linux is the best, according to you?
I am opened to you all.

Shopping: A big chance to buy with Coupons Codes at H2O shop

As soon as I've finished talking about Ebay and online shopping, I've to tell you something more about this topic. Surfing on web, (even if it's Saturday evening here in Italy...), I've seen this great website, that helps you buying online using coupon codes, : there's an enormous list of shops available on this website, and today I am talking to you about a specific one.
This is H2O, whose name is friendly to me due of my chemical studies... Anyways, coming back to the shop, this is a company which sells cosmetic products, such as creams, oils, lift treatments that help your body to keep on looking clean and fresh. There are thousand of products there, and shipping is free for order bigger than 100$. makes your shopping experience easier and more exciting by giving you the chance to use great and convenient Coupons. For example, you could get a 10$ discount on your order if your Bag's value is 30$ or more - and I want to find the one who says it's not good!
Take a look at this website, I really think you'll find the chance that best fits your desires!

Collaboration with

Dear mates, I am proud to announce that I am dealing with in order to gain some banners on this blog.
If I am able, maybe Ebay will leave me putting some interesting contents on my site, such as a list of great objects to bid and buy.
I'll update you here if I manage to sign an agree with them.
Let's go, Fuji Team!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Want some good reading? I've found the right book!

Hi mates. I've a literally suggestion for you all.
Surfing on web, I've found an interesting site talking abouta good book, Hunger and Other Stories by Ian Randall Wilson .
I haven't read the whole book, only an excerpt (you can read it by clicking here, too): reading it, and reading some reviews, it appears a book talking about some of the deepest human feelings, such as relationship between father and son, past's memories, sex and so on.
Author isn't talking about it with an easy and light language, but he's using a very deep and involving rithm, creating a thoughtful atmosphere around you while you're reading Hunger's pages.
It's worth taking a look.'s prize is about 12.95$ for a new softcover copy.

SlideShow widget found - it's great!

Take a look at My personal blog, and look at the bottom of the article section. Don't you see anything great?

Don't you think that's widget is sooo good? No need to learn anything about scripts, you can add this great widget soo easily!
And mostly:
- if you have a Myspace account, you can add automaticly this Slideshow to your profile! and..
- if you have a Flickr account, you can automatically load your personal images to list!
Sooo good! Find the time to try it!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Prague Tribune, a Master of information

Style and precision: these are the features that first appear to your eyes while you're surfing at PragueTribune, an online magazine talking about Prague and neightbor country.
It's maybe the oldest Prague magazine written in English, and it reflects Union Jack's well-known precision and order while describing what's happening in this ex-Sovietic republic.
You may surf among a lot of articles included on site, such as, Editorial, People
, Time off, Where are they now?, Interview, Main Feature, Case Study, Legal Labyrinths, Shopping with..., Car of the Month, Travel and many others.
Surely a well-made site, full of infos. If you are interested in Prague's news, I guess this is the right site where to take all the infos you need.

I am trying MusicmatchJukebox

Tired of Windows Media Player, always so heavy and unstable, I decided to install Music match Jukebox, one of the best alternative Media Players. It's soooo light, my PC seems to forget it's running how light it is. But it has all the best options we could expect from a Media Player.
Take a look, and consider this program!

What an incredible music can be found on web !!

I'm getting more and more amazed by the greatness of Internet!
I've just found a christian singer's website, Jeff Childress's one. I am listening to first song of the list, Countin' Blessings. It's a good and light country song, with something similar to John Denver's sound, whose notes and words easily come to your ears, making you movin' and feelin' the sound.
Second song, God gave me a song, gives you the feeling of a Latin sound, while Jeff's voices sometimes seems Elton John's one. Don't you feel the same feeling, mates?
The same you're experiencing listening to Soulmate. Damn, I could easily exchange his voice to Elton's one, even if music is different enough for noticing the difference.
Rithm is easy to follow, music is well balanced and Jeff's voice is good enough to give you some little moments of pleasure.

Just about Search Engine Optimization...

I am trying a software, Agent Web Ranking Pro, shareware version. I guess it may be another good program for improving Google Pagerank, but it's too soon for saying it.
Still need a verify!!
As you can imagine, I'll update you soon, here.

A search engine that may helps you by improving your Google PageRank

What is it?
It's shrugle, a new free directory site.
First of all: what is a Directory site? It's a service where you can list your personal website, or wiki, or blog, and give it the chance to be seen by a big community. This helps you improving your PageRank level, that it's too often near to 0...
It's a new service, it needs time to grow up, but I can see there is a big potential in it! It has a light layout, so it's easy to find all the options (don't forget that one of the biggest sites ever,, has maybe the simplest layout available!! ) .
Obvious to say, I have submitted my blog (The Fuji Team), and hope to get some results soon!
If you're reading, do the same! It's surely worth! Easy, fast, free and useful!! can be a very good weapon !!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - Let's talk about it!

Hi mates! I am here in order to talk about this great opportunity.
Many of you already knows enough about AutoSurf world: this program belongs to this category.
But what is TopGunTraffic?

Site's homepage says so:

A professional way to advertise your website, and earn money at the same time. We offer our members the chance to buy what we call a "Advertising Unit", in fact our members can buy up to 8,000 'Advertising Units'.

These Adversiting units are the "coin" of this marketing system. The more units you buy, the more advantages you take, of course.
Let's read something more about these Adversiting units.

The cost of each unit is only $1 and can be paid via E-Gold By purchasing our 'Advertising Unit' our members are allowed to place up to 14 sites into our Members Only rotator system which will be displayed to other members.

It's clearer how it goes, so.

But as I said, this program can be used as a source of money, too.
Each adversiting unit can give you a daily revenue, whose entity is simply listed below:

In considering, the longer you stay, the more you will earn. Your daily earning will increase respectively. Let's see 130% in 1st - 2nd cycle, the 135% in 3rd - 4th cycle, the 140% in 5th - 7th cycle , the 145% for 8th - 11th cycle to 150% final. Then you will earn 150% forever after you stay in 11th cycle.
Ain't that good, mates?

Homepages underlines the "faithful" policy of this program:

Wealth becomes yours as long as you continue to upgrade with us. Please remember that you must upgrade account within 10 days after the lastest package expired. If not, your account will be deleted from our system which means you need to sign up and start from the first cycle again.

This is for creating a stable and trustful investors' group. But, in order to enlarge this community, TopGunTraffic's staff introduces the Referral Program:

We also reward all members with a small bonus for bringing us new customers who buy our 'Advertising Units'. All members have their own referral link which they can use to bring new customers to TopGunTraffic. Members promoting our business can earn 4% of the total cost of 'Advertising Units' their referral purchase.

I am glad to read your comments about it.

A lighthouse into financial world

A lighthouse into financial world. With these words, the website can be easily called. They define themselves an "indipendent financial comparison site", and indeed they are. They offer you the chance to take the best from a difficult world like financial one. They do not limit themselves to provide a guide for loans, but they even deal about other topics, always related with financial universe.
Some examples?

Just yesterday, Wall Street and other worldwide Stock Exchanges lost Billion of dollars, so you see it may be riskful to invest without anybody who guides you into your investments. So, better put your money into a safe bank, and leave the interest to flow into your account without any risk. This principle is followed by "Saving account" section: here, you may find some interesting chances - personally, I find very good Bank of Scotland one, I am really planning to invest something in it - mostly if I am able to withdraw my Paypal money there. Here in Italy, it's sooo expensive to open and manage a Bank account, so it's a big chance for me to be able to see "what's outside".

I am starting a new deal

Soon I'll start a little series about Online Earning chances.
I'm gonna writing articles about good programs to use for earning some little money. They aren't useful if you want to become rich, but hey this is real world, what do you expect from it?
Hope they'll be useful to you all.

Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm discovering a new Podcasting service!!

YouTube and Revver are the biggest podcasting sites, ok, but there are many other services around offering good services. One of them, it's, a Free Podcast service.
Its basilar features are:

  • Free Membership
  • Unlimited bandwith
  • Unlimited storage
And then, there's a special offer: you'd get money for moving your podcasting to! See here for more infos!
I'll open a PodCast service there, so I'll update about it very soon my mates!

Lessons are starting, again...

Yeah friends, lessons are starting, again. After a break of some weeks (clear, it's been everything but holiday, of course..), we'll see our "beloved" teachers, and this' gonna happening for many months to come.
Let's keep your head up, and c'mon this is the last tranche!!
Then..ok, it'll be the same, but as for now let's keep on thinking this way!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Planning about changing home lights

Spring is coming! As wisers say, Spring is time for big changings.
Indeed, it is for me, and my home, too. I'm planning to change my home lights. So, I started taking a look on web, and I've found this great site: .
This is a great shop, that gives the chance to compare items into a big catalog, that comes from kitchen lights to bathroom ones, passing through other categories as garden lights and so on...
An example?

Ain't that good, mates?
Want more? Take a look at Frank Buchwald Lamps ! Believe me, it's worth doing it!!

Short suggestion: Film that MUST BE SEEN

Today I've just watched "Hannibal Lecter" 's movie.
Well, I suggest you to watch it, if you can!
Just one word: go and watch this movie with your stomach empty... You'll understand the reason why! is gonna announcing news - but what?

Yeah mates,'s staff loves to create doubts and expectations among users and bloggers... I guess it'll be discussed in many blogs.
Today I've received this "new", but I don't know - like nobody else, I guess!! - what it is. Many ideas I have in mind; let's see what could be the right one. could give bloggers some instruments to obtain a higher Google PageRank, just in order to give them more visibility - this will be better for advertisers, too. But I don't guess this is the "new"; let's propose another idea. could pay bloggers to comment other bloggers' articles, in order to generate more discussion about posts. Advertisers will see more movement around their ads, and this "artificial" movement will generate some more genuine ones. Cause we all know, people talk only if someone's already talking...
Ain't this the right one? Let's see what else...
Maybe is thinking about a new way of adversiting. Maybe he's looking for writers in order to "build" a sort of magazine, where bloggers review advertisers' websites. Do you think it'd be too strange? Let's see. At least, it's an idea...
Or maybe has some other offers for gaining referrals. Don't know if it's the right road, cause already offers a lot of tools and money...
Actually I think it'll be something in order to improve our experience of bloggers.
Do you agree with me? Please comment!!

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