Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's never too late for learning

As an university guy, I've heard this sentence thousand of times. And damn it's so true..
But as everybody knows, the most important age for learning is youth. That's why we have to take care of our children's education while they're still young. Choosing the best school for them, praying for obtaining the best teacher, watch over them while they're doing their homework... And take all the resources that may help them. These are not offices, they are investments that must be done by each good father and mother.
One of the resources that you can find online is, a Score learning website. If it's true that new technologies help you living your life at the best, helps your children to take the best from Online knowledges. Children are always followed, and step-by-step driven to the best road.
Trust, for a better learning experience.

MyMayspotis now online !!

Yeah mates! At last, it's done! Is now online! And now Admin has started posting!
I'm so happy!!!!
Go and visit that blog, mates !!!

Sure to have a wonderful blog? Try to get a Blogger's Award!

Yeah mates, it's possible! It's not a joke! Even if it's hard to understand, now we bloggers are able to get voted, and so we'll see if our blog is appreciated or not. It's not a calculated factor as Google Page Rank, neither a statistic factor as Alexa Rank, it's something directly linked with Readers' evaluation!
If your blog is appreciated, well you have to be proud of it! You've been a good blogger, a great webmaster!
I'm really excited to talk about blogging awards, a website that allows Bloggers to be voted, and Readers to vote, in order to declare best blog of the moment. Everything is free: you simply have to sign up for a free account, and get voted, get commented, vote and comment! It's a direct evaluation between readers and bloggers, and that's what makes this system clean and easy to be understood.
You've still time to make up your blog, invest all the resources you've available and then take your chance, subscribe your blog to one of the categories available on's database and get voted!
Winners will be declared on June 2nd at PostieCon, in Orlando FL.
C'mon mates, c'mon bloggers and readers, let's rock it!

Friday, April 06, 2007

A new collaboration is borning

A dear friend of me is gonna receiving a blog from me, and so will be soon ready to come in business too.
I will announce here as soon as the blog comes online, so that you could come and read something there.
Please support her as well as you support me!

Indian Culture: I'm so fashinating about it.

I've read an article about Indian society on an italian scientific magazine (called Newton, just as chronicle), and I've been amazed by the spirituality this culture still has, no matter if they're living in this global rich daemoniac world. Power of money is starting to express its potential on Indian society, and the way it's reacting sometimes amazes me. They're able to match spirituality with new technologies, with new way-of-living that use to be in western world.
One of the examples I am showing to you is an Indian Matrimonial site; I would have never thought to find such a site into Indian tradition!
But Society is changing, we must be opened to new things, cause World cannot hold on. I have reacted positively when I discover this site: many people think that Indians are too "old" for accepting new trends, but as soon as they open their eyes they will discover that Indians are almost "younger" than Western people!
Coming back to Premkahani. Layout is the same of many other dating websites, but to see only Indian people makes everything 'different'. This site has all the features to gain success, noticing all the people that already uses this services.
World is changing, we can notice it even by these small things.

I've changed PC !!

Proud to announce to have changed my PC. I had an Athlon XP 2000+ , that makes me happy enough to live with it forever, but unluckily cause a disease my motherboard was broken. So I have to change.
Now I have a Pentium IV 3.2 GHz, and wow it's such a power !! Motherboard I've bought is compatible with almost each of new technologies, such as serial-ATA, quad-core technology, PCI Express..
I'm so happy for it!
I've bought everything on eBay, finding unbelievable prices. Take a look!

New cell phones chances at the horizon, from Verizon!

Let me show you my little poet-side! Sometimes I find nice to use some kind words!
This happy mood is due of the great new chance I'm gonna talking to you here. I'm talking about Wirefly another time. Yeah, it's not first time, I know, but this site is sooo good that I'm never tired of talking about it. I hope this goodness can be seen by your eyes this time, again, as before.
As you may easily understand from title, this time I'm talking about Verizon cell phones's chances that Wirefly is offering to you. Verizon is one of the best cell phone brands on Earth, it's known worldwide for the high quality of the services and products offered. So, try to think about the partnership between a great cell band as Verizon and a master of cell internet business as Wirefly - nothing bad can come out from this business, that's sure!!
Such a big platform like Wirefly is now offering an unbelievable chance for you: if you open a new account, you may have the chance to receive a free Verizon Razrs! Yeah, free! No need to do nothing else but opening the account!! Damn mates, ain't that good?
But it's not enough (and it's even more incredible!): if you sign up for one of the great Verizon plans, you are able to receive a new LG Mint Chocolate for free!!! I am publishing a sample photo from
Hope this may be enough for you!

Renewing my media contents

Summer is coming, so I am planning to chance my media contents in order to renew my panorama.
This will enhance users' pleasure of viewing my blogs.
Hope you'll have more delight this way!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Touch the sky with your finger

What it's thought to be a dream, now it may become real with, a great website where you're able to buy and discover tools, instruments and accessories to live the best your passion for sky, astronomy, and universe.
What you may find at There a lot of products, and one of the most interesting is Meade mySky Personal Planetarium. Click on the link to discover how great it is! It's surely worth of taking a look, so.. why to wait?
Prices are very competitive, variety if items is very high, and they are on business for 28 years!! Ain't that a warranty of quality?
Guess so, mates! So, take this chance!

Monday, April 02, 2007 is ready!!

Hi my dear friends! I am proud to announce that is now ready! You can just go there and partecipate to my second blog!!
I will be able to spread my business this way, and this will enhance the quality of my services to you!
This is a good new for everybody!

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