Thursday, March 01, 2007

What an incredible music can be found on web !!

I'm getting more and more amazed by the greatness of Internet!
I've just found a christian singer's website, Jeff Childress's one. I am listening to first song of the list, Countin' Blessings. It's a good and light country song, with something similar to John Denver's sound, whose notes and words easily come to your ears, making you movin' and feelin' the sound.
Second song, God gave me a song, gives you the feeling of a Latin sound, while Jeff's voices sometimes seems Elton John's one. Don't you feel the same feeling, mates?
The same you're experiencing listening to Soulmate. Damn, I could easily exchange his voice to Elton's one, even if music is different enough for noticing the difference.
Rithm is easy to follow, music is well balanced and Jeff's voice is good enough to give you some little moments of pleasure.

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