Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Video Collections

As I have announced, I am uploading videos to my collections. So, I am publishing here links for looking them all.

I hope you find the good. Keep on sending me other videos, and I'll upload them all.
Thanks for your collaboration!

Note: take a look at the bottom of the page. You can see my YouTube collection!

Contents changed

Hi mates. As each week, I've updated contents here.
As you may see, I've found Chuck Norris Facts in English (directly taken from , wow what a great site..) . They're simply great!
Then I have to thank Alessandro and Daniele for having sent me some funny videos, that I am uploading right now to my Collections. This week's funny video, for example, has been sent by Alessandro - and I cannot miss to publish it, it's simply wonderful !!
Please keep on sending me contents, I'll publish them all. I appreciate all kinds of collaboration.

Hope you're gonna loving this week's contents !

Look at this great video !!

I have found on net this great, unbelievable video. I have had such a funny time while watching it, so that's why I ask you to do the same!!

Ain't that fantastic???

Please add your own comments !
Thank you!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Sorry for my late...

Hi mates. Sorry if I am not putting much contents here these days, but it's exams' time and you know how hard it is.
I hope to be able to come back soon.
Wait for me!!!

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