Saturday, January 13, 2007

Skype - PC-to-PC Calling for free!

Hi mates. Today I want to talk to you about Skype, one of the biggest chances given by Internet developing.

First of all: what is Skype? As many of us already know, it's not a simple chat software. You can also call other PCs FOR FREE, call worldwide your friends very cheaply by landline, send SMS and even more!

Just an example. If you want to call by landline a friend in Spain, you will pay only 0.020 €/min.. Ain't that great? Check here for further rates! Once installed the software, you simply have to hold a microphone in order to be able to talk, and a fast internet connection - and nothing more! You can start enjoying a 127 million people community!

While you talk, you can hear how great is Audio quality, even better than a common handy-handy communication - and faster is your internet connection, the better the audio is.

You may talk with 3 friends of you at the same moment: enjoy the fun of having conferences!
If you have a webcam, then, you're able to video-chat with your friends. It's unbelievable how nice is to see people around the world, believe me..

Anyways, you're able to have a "common" chat with your friends. Here again, you're able to chat with more than one people; the more you are, the bigger the fun is!

C'mon people, let's enjoy this community!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

What is a "chemical substance"..

After a hard day, I came back home, happy to see my parents. I sat and started my dinner, talking with them about my day. As you know, I am having chemical studies. The discussion went on, until I asked them: "what is a chemical substance, according to you?"
They gave me the answer a lot of people would have said, too. According to them,

a chemical substance is each artificial, contaminant substance.

Just today, we were talking about the same topic with a professor of our university. Soon, I'm gonna publishing an article provided by Laura (Ringhio here, that I wanna thank), article that underlines the deep split between the public known chemical's meme , and what it really is. (and thanks to Anna if I get to know what a meme is!)
Wow, I thanked too many people tonight, maybe too much. Don't want to be too kind, so I soon close my post!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Changing contents

I am changing Weekly media contents.
YMCA great performance's place will be taken by another great dancing piece of work. I cannot state what music he's dancing on, cause there was no music at all.. I find it sooo funny, my stomach always hurt after seeing this great video!
Just talking about masterpieces, I decided to insert one of the most stupid photos ever into the Pics section. Hope you dislike it as well as I do...

You may find last week's contents here:
YMCA dance
Group photo

Some changings about funny contents, too.
Chuck Norris facts have been changed, yesterday.
Today, I'm changing Funny pic and Funny video.

Post your comments!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Wikipedia - a great resource for everybody

Today I'm gonna talking with you about Wikipedia . Everybody should know it. If not, I'll tell you something about.
The aim of Wikipedia project is to create a free common, worldwide-shared, cultural resource, that everybody can reach through Internet. Knowledge today is attacked by each kind of oppressive power, such as economical, political interests - but not only them; against this threat, and against the spreading ignorance, Wikipedia Team has built up this unbelievable site, where EACH OF US is able to give their little part. You can translate an article from whatever language into yours, and viceversa.
You are even able to add articles: if you are well experienced in something, you can create an article about it, and add it to Wiki database. Just be aware of one thing: if you are saying wrong things, be sure that somebody will soon read and correct your article. So, don't loose your face, take care of what you're writing about!
As you see, you may join and help this community through many ways. And one more: you can contribute to Wikipedia projects through money donations. I have a Paypal account, so I've been able to do it on my own.

This is a very short introduction, I know, but I don't want to bore you anymore.
If you're interested in, now you know how to reach it.

Let me know what you think about it, thanks!

School's gonna starting, again...

Hi mates. Today, for many of us it's the last day of holiday. From tomorrow, school starts again.
I cannot promise to be so active into this blog again, but I hope to be able to add something to my blog almost everyday. And I hope you'll find some time for me and this project, too.
Everybody, have a nice evening!

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