Friday, February 02, 2007

Birthday party !

Hi Mates!
Tomorrow, it's gonna happening a great event! I'm enjoying Ale and Bea's birthday party, and for sure I'll do many photos!
So, wait for me; this weekend, I'm gonna publishing them..obviously, here!

Monday, January 29, 2007

A guy looses head during a Quake III session - look at it, it's sooo great!!!

Even if it's in Italian, I guess you can have some nice minutes while looking at it...

Wow, this guy has really gone crazy!
... and this is part II, if the first ain't enough for you...

Many times I hear that using PC for long times may bring some damages to brain and nervous system, but.. Well I didn't think it could really happen this way!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Want to travel? Try

Lastminute certainly showed the way in spontaneous travel and entertainment and their rivals duly followed suit. However, their aim is to encourage their customers to live out their dreams at unbeatable prices. Lastminute has managed to negotiate some favourable rates with hotels and airlines but the site's competitors now offer the same value-for-money trips. The site design lacks sophistication and has the looks of a teenage magazine but the information is all there. The quickest way to get to grips with what this site has to offer is to use the scroll-down site index on the left. The search facilities are excellent, with a running commentary on how your search is proceeding.


Auctions where you can bid for holidays or even DVD players and scooters, but you must register first.

Experiences suggests a myriad of activities to keep the adrenaline pumping or others for just chilling out. Check out Boys Toys and drive a Ferrari at Silverstone.

More can book taxis, find bargain weekends, and can help broke students find fares that even they can afford.

You want fast payment - with security you got it!

PayPal is a money transfer system that was originally launched for C2C (customer-to-customer) transactions, but recently,, the company behind the service, introduced B2C transactions, by offering accounts for businesses. Paypal acts as a neutral intermediary offering low risk to both seller/receiver and buyer/sender of the money.

PayPal, uses e-mail to inform the receiver that a payment has been made. It accepts money from the purchaser in one of three ways:

1. Charging the purchaser's credit card for any transactions (payments).
2. Debiting a checking account for any payments.
3. The purchaser sends a check to create a positive balance in his account at PayPal, and has any payments deducted from the account.

Payment recipients can use the money in the account for online purchases or payments, can receive the payment from PayPal by check, or can have PayPal directly deposit the money into his checking account.
How It Works

This is truly one of the easiest services for purchasers to use. Setting up an e-mail account at Yahoo takes longer! As a payer, all you have to do is to provide your name, your e-mail address, your credit card information, and your billing address for your credit card.

The newly instituted business and premier accounts permit businesses and consumers who use their accounts frequently to accept payments via PayPal without requiring merchant accounts, and having these amounts moved to their checking accounts daily.

Business and premier accounts get 24/7 customer support by both phone and e-mail. They also have the ability to download Quicken/QuickBooks/Excel-compatible transaction logs. Payments can be accepted directly on their own sites using a Web Accept button. Finally, these account holders can create automated invoices to send to auction winners and others.

For regular PayPal account holders, payments must be made at the PayPal site.

There's one additional service available that's worth its weight in gold. Sites that run affiliate programs, sweepstakes, lotteries, or hold marketing surveys might need to send small value checks to many, many recipients. PayPal's business services let these merchants upload a file with e-mail addresses and amounts, and pay the recipients in bulk. Since checks cost at least $1 each to process, and often have to be reissued, this service, priced at the lesser of $.25 or 2% per payment, is an unbeatable deal.
Payment Terms

For transactions between customers, there's no fee associated with using PayPal, no doubt contributing to its popularity. PayPal makes money on the float - when your money sits in your account, they're collecting interest on it.
For business accounts, the merchants are charged a 2.2% discount rate + 30 cents on the money, which is better than the rate charged by merchant banks for accepting credit cards, in most cases.

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