Sunday, February 25, 2007 is gonna announcing news - but what?

Yeah mates,'s staff loves to create doubts and expectations among users and bloggers... I guess it'll be discussed in many blogs.
Today I've received this "new", but I don't know - like nobody else, I guess!! - what it is. Many ideas I have in mind; let's see what could be the right one. could give bloggers some instruments to obtain a higher Google PageRank, just in order to give them more visibility - this will be better for advertisers, too. But I don't guess this is the "new"; let's propose another idea. could pay bloggers to comment other bloggers' articles, in order to generate more discussion about posts. Advertisers will see more movement around their ads, and this "artificial" movement will generate some more genuine ones. Cause we all know, people talk only if someone's already talking...
Ain't this the right one? Let's see what else...
Maybe is thinking about a new way of adversiting. Maybe he's looking for writers in order to "build" a sort of magazine, where bloggers review advertisers' websites. Do you think it'd be too strange? Let's see. At least, it's an idea...
Or maybe has some other offers for gaining referrals. Don't know if it's the right road, cause already offers a lot of tools and money...
Actually I think it'll be something in order to improve our experience of bloggers.
Do you agree with me? Please comment!!

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