Saturday, March 10, 2007

Summer is next to come - where will you spend your holiday?

Time is running, as always. It seems to be yesterday when Christmas comes, but already 3 months have passed. And so, before we realize it, Summer will come. Are we ready for it?
We're subscribing ourselves to Fitness activities in order to get our body ready to "seaside proof", but.. What beach will host our body? Have you already decided where to spend your long-waited holidays? If you haven't, don't let time to go too far, take your decision now and let's book a hotel room!

In order to help you with your decision, I have found this interesting Internet Website, one of the best services where to find Hotel Reservations. This site is really great, mates! With it, you won't only be allowed to book a room (even if this is the first aim of this service), but you are even available to look offers for other very important resources in holiday time, such as Vacation Rental, Car Rental and Air flight. Each service gives you many options in order to get the best for each of them.
In this basis structure, a lot of other services and resources find their best expression. Geographical distribution of Hotels affiliated with is very wide, I guess you won't miss any of the most important turistic nation, neither secondary ones. You can check the list of principal turistic Cities around the world, or surf for geographic zones in search of a more exotic location. You'd see your friends' faces when you show them all your holiday pics of the most beautiful landscapes on Earth!
But for sure, there's no sense in travelling around planet if prize makes everything too expensive.. Anyways, it's not the situation happening with : for example, you may book for a room in Paris, Montmartre for 74€ / day! (2 adults' room, period: 1st of July until 7th of July) It's not so easy to find something else on web, believe me!
But great features are far to end... It's easy to surf through this website, due of its multilanguage interface. I have been able to check every feature of website into my Italian language, that makes my surfing experience easier to live, and informations easier to find.
Plus, you're able to book directly online, or to call TOLL FREE from U.S. and E.U. countries like UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Portugal, and other like Switzerland and Australia!
Believe me mates, it's one of the best booking services ever found on web. So, take this chance before it's too late!!

Trying my new Media Keyboard!

Hi mates! I have just bought a Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard - and believe me, it's really great, wonderful!
I can do almost everything without touching my mouse: for example, I am able to

  • open programs with customizable keys
  • play and control music with special keys
  • zoom the page I am looking at with a Zoom selector
This is an image of the item I am talking about:
Ain't that wonderful? I guess so, mates!!

Friday, March 09, 2007

No time to loose? Don't risk, take a look at this software !

During one of my trip on internet, surfing among pages, I've found this great software. I am always looking for the best chances available on web, and I guess this can be one of them.

If you're like me, if your memory is always on late and you need a Personal Time Manager, well you may take a look at Achieve Planner software, from .

This is a software that helps you to organize, plan and define your whole day hour by hour, inserting priorities in order not to forget what is an important date, and what may be putting on late without any real problem!!

There is a Standard version and a Professional one, so that you are able to find the best solution for you, your personal life and your business career.
Let me know what you think about it!

... And Robbie is out!!

I've just talked about him, and now I've seen that Robbie Williams has ended his therapy. He came back home, actually he came back to his mama.
What a tender story!!
Robbie c'mon, come back giving us your music!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Let's be serious, now. Drug rehabilitation center

Recent stories about Britney Spears and Robbie Williams have focused on one of the biggest problems of Western youth: drug addiction. This is affecting stars and "common" youth as well, and too often we forget how important and spread this problem actually is. I am a Chemist, I know what drugs's action is on brain and nervous' system as well.
So I am proud to discuss about Stone Hawk and its drug rehabilitation program. This is an organization whose aim is to set customers free of drug's dependance, trusting on a solid-based experience in this ticklish topic, due of years of successful actions - you may read some stories by clicking here.
They give you free informations about what to be drug addicted means, what's what you have to do, and finally what you may find by letting them healing you.
This great infos database, larded by all contacts informations, gives you the feeling of not being alone, but being with someone who seems to really care of you.

Changing my PC's protection

Yeah dear mates, I'm just doing it. While checking the best Linux' version (and still waiting for your suggestions), I have decided to change my whole PC protection.
Instead of Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0 - that I've found simply great, ok, but since evaluation time is gone... I have no money for buying it :-D
So, I have downloaded and installed free version of Grisoft AVG AntiVirus and Agnitum OutPost Firewall. I've already tried them, so I know I can trust them.
Waiting for your feedback!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

A help to all my Indian friends

During all my online businesses, I've met a very big group of people; among them, I've met many Indian guys. This post is for them.
I've discovered a forum talking about one of the most Indian telecom companies, tata indicom. This forum helps users, customers and potential interested visitors to find the best solution for all their needs, to find solution to their problems, answer questions and..briefly, keep contacts between users and company - an easy-to-say feature, but not so easy-to-find. Users are even able to discuss among themselves, and oh how much it's useful... You all have already experienced users' discussions' usefullness.
And dear Indian friends, now it's time for you to do the same!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My efforts to obtain an higher Google PageRank continues...

... And I hope to obtain something from it.
It's such a hard work, but I strongly want to reach my aim. I am searching everything in order to gain knowledges about the topic, and I have to confess I am starting to learn something.
Hope to take some results back...

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