Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A lighthouse into financial world

A lighthouse into financial world. With these words, the website can be easily called. They define themselves an "indipendent financial comparison site", and indeed they are. They offer you the chance to take the best from a difficult world like financial one. They do not limit themselves to provide a guide for loans, but they even deal about other topics, always related with financial universe.
Some examples?

Just yesterday, Wall Street and other worldwide Stock Exchanges lost Billion of dollars, so you see it may be riskful to invest without anybody who guides you into your investments. So, better put your money into a safe bank, and leave the interest to flow into your account without any risk. This principle is followed by "Saving account" section: here, you may find some interesting chances - personally, I find very good Bank of Scotland one, I am really planning to invest something in it - mostly if I am able to withdraw my Paypal money there. Here in Italy, it's sooo expensive to open and manage a Bank account, so it's a big chance for me to be able to see "what's outside".

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