Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sure to have a wonderful blog? Try to get a Blogger's Award!

Yeah mates, it's possible! It's not a joke! Even if it's hard to understand, now we bloggers are able to get voted, and so we'll see if our blog is appreciated or not. It's not a calculated factor as Google Page Rank, neither a statistic factor as Alexa Rank, it's something directly linked with Readers' evaluation!
If your blog is appreciated, well you have to be proud of it! You've been a good blogger, a great webmaster!
I'm really excited to talk about blogging awards, a website that allows Bloggers to be voted, and Readers to vote, in order to declare best blog of the moment. Everything is free: you simply have to sign up for a free account, and get voted, get commented, vote and comment! It's a direct evaluation between readers and bloggers, and that's what makes this system clean and easy to be understood.
You've still time to make up your blog, invest all the resources you've available and then take your chance, subscribe your blog to one of the categories available on's database and get voted!
Winners will be declared on June 2nd at PostieCon, in Orlando FL.
C'mon mates, c'mon bloggers and readers, let's rock it!

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