Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Where Internet is fastly running to

If Blogger has changed the way of sharing informations, Flickr the way of sharing photos, it's clear that Youtube has changed of sharing videos. This is the new era of internet, a world where everybody may communicate through words, images, actions.
And if online "newspapers" and online radios are real, online TV ain't so far to come.
KONKAN.TV is going through this way. This service is born like a South Asian (INDIAN) Video Distribution Website, but it's clear you may use this as you want, even if you're not a South-Asian user. This is the most wonderful thing of internet: you can come from wherever you want, but there is no difference: if you are somebody, you may be noticed!!
And with KONKAN.TV you may be noticed even from cellular phones' users! Yeah it's true, they're able to surf the videos on this great website! 85+ mobile providers are compatible with this service, so this means 10 million users !!
This is a great chance for bloggers, webmasters and...artists!!
Take this chance, mates!!!

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