Thursday, March 22, 2007

Doctor says that Singing helps health - do it here !!

If this sentence is true (and even if it's not), singing helps our mood to be better!! .. But maybe you're afraid that your neightbour would not accept your overwhelming will of singing!!
Do you want to know if your voice is good enough to be listened?
Maybe a talent is growing inside of you, and you've still not realized it. Maybe somebody else's judgement will help you, ain't that?
This is the chance that " your free road to fame " is giving you!!
Just register yourself - such an easy and fast stuff - and start uploading your songs, through the two ways that is giving you:

  • Video mode
  • Audio mode

The first one gives you the chance to upload a real movie of you singing, while the second one is a simple audio recording.

Once uploaded, your performance will be ready for other users' comments!
Check your stats, and see if you're appreciated or not!
Maybe a new future is waiting for you!!

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