Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunny season is coming - get ready with new sunglasses!!

Spring is fastly coming, faster than we imagine. And Spring always brings happiness, joy, eros and mostly SUN.
And what's the best way to take this season? Wearing fashioable sunglasses, of course!
That's why I have decided to blog about, one of the most famous Eyeglasses' shops on web. Wall Street Journal itself made a publication about it, some times ago - so, it's not a "newbie" in this e-market, ain't that?
Eyeglass' collection is very enormous, but what's really amazing is collection of RayBans at ! You really have to see it! It's one of the biggest collections I've ever seen, and prizes are amazing. Many pieces have a 50% discount, and if you put in this code you'll get a 5% discount on "non-already-discounted" items!

Wanna some examples?

Rayban Aviators are evergreen.. Don't you share my point of view?
And their prize is only 79$ !

...but even Rayban Olympia has a big fashion, you have to confess... 96$ is their prize.

And for women...

Wayfarer are really fashion for a modern woman.. 79$ is their prize.

Hope this brief gallery has been enough for you!!
Remember: For the best season!

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