Friday, January 05, 2007

Listen to free music!

Hi mates! I am introducing here one of the services I want to describe into my blog. I am talking about it cause I think it may be really useful to many of us.
This service (that you can reach by clicking here) allows you to select your musical flavours, in order to give you the chance to listen to a personal radio that fits your tastes. Song by song, you can rate it clicking on Love or Ban buttons, enbettering the program's knowledge about you. You have to download a little software in order to listen to this radio directly from your PC. Obviously, you'd need a fast internet connection, otherwise it's not worth.
You can share your musical tastes with the online community, sending others your personal TopSongs, and receiving suggestions from other friends who like your same music genres. This allows you to know some singers you ignored until that moment, but whose music perfectly fits your tastes.
And mostly.. It's free. You simply have to open an account, and download that small player, absolutely malware-free.
C'mon, try it!

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