Saturday, December 30, 2006

St. Sylvester 2006

Tomorrow we'll wait for the new year in a party into Rossiglione.
I hope to make some nice pics, that I'll publish here.
Happy new year to everybody!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to everybody!!!

I am wishing you Merry Christmas to everybody!
Give your best wishes to all your family!!!
Wish you all joy and happiness!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Blog re-birth is next to come

Hi mates. With this post, I want to announce you that this blog is waiting for re-birth..and it's next to come!
I have a lot of content that I want to publish here, so.. Let's wait for it!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Light is appearing at the end of this tunnel !

Soon I guess I'll have time to re-set this blog. site is updating its contents, so this way I could be able to add some funny content without a big waste of time. So, mates, I am seriously thinking to start a new deal .
Hope this new will make you all a little happier!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This blog is gonna sleeping for now

As you may have noticed, I haven't been so active into this blog recently. This is due of my School's dates, that take away my free time.
I hope to get active very soon.
Wait for me, and for The Fuji Team Blog!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

School's gonna starting

After this hot (?) summer, School is gonna starting.
I would have loved to have had real holidays during these months.. But it's been only a dream.
Let's see what next months will bring to us.
Good luck to everybody!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Fuji - Team Blog is born !!

Today, 25th of August 2006, Fuji - Team Blog has been opened.

Hi, my dear mates! Welcome into my Blog, where we'll be able to talk about all the things that happen to us.
I hope to see this little blog-community growing, soon.
Wish everybody a nice start, so!!


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