St. Sylvester 2006
Tomorrow we'll wait for the new year in a party into Rossiglione.
I hope to make some nice pics, that I'll publish here.
Happy new year to everybody!
In this site I review and describe Internet services and resources, in order to allow Surfers to take the best from Internet
Tomorrow we'll wait for the new year in a party into Rossiglione.
I hope to make some nice pics, that I'll publish here.
Happy new year to everybody!
Paolo Sacco
2:47 PM
I am wishing you Merry Christmas to everybody!
Give your best wishes to all your family!!!
Wish you all joy and happiness!
Paolo Sacco
9:49 AM
Hi mates. With this post, I want to announce you that this blog is waiting for re-birth..and it's next to come!
I have a lot of content that I want to publish here, so.. Let's wait for it!
Paolo Sacco
9:44 AM
Soon I guess I'll have time to re-set this blog. site is updating its contents, so this way I could be able to add some funny content without a big waste of time. So, mates, I am seriously thinking to start a new deal .
Hope this new will make you all a little happier!
Paolo Sacco
10:43 AM
As you may have noticed, I haven't been so active into this blog recently. This is due of my School's dates, that take away my free time.
I hope to get active very soon.
Wait for me, and for The Fuji Team Blog!
Paolo Sacco
10:39 AM
After this hot (?) summer, School is gonna starting.
I would have loved to have had real holidays during these months.. But it's been only a dream.
Let's see what next months will bring to us.
Good luck to everybody!
Paolo Sacco
9:47 AM
Paolo Sacco
11:31 AM