Sunday, June 10, 2007

Win for free!

It's a sort of magic formula: you have the time to win money without spending a single cent.
Win for free seems to be the success of, an online gaming community, that really gives you the chance to win from 10$ to 600$ in free contests. You don't have to complete offers, you don't have to sign up for anything but itself, you don't have to buy anything.
Just join a contest, and see if you're lucky enough to win!!

No! Unbelievable!

Today, the magic number seems to be FOUR !!
Yeah, I am gonna starting the forth message based on a's opportunity. It's simply unbelievable!!
But since it is, I guess I have to believe it, and soon take this chance.
Ain't that the right way of acting?

But what's Score Learning ?

I've posted about it the last two's opportunities, but I guess it's now time to say something more about Score Learning.
It is a group of center that helps children from 4 to 14 to develope their faculties in many matters. There are skilled tutors who perfectly know what children need, and how to teach them the best they can learn.
Score Learning is maybe mostly known for their fabolous Math Tutors, but I have to say they're good for each matters.
If you parents haven't time for following your children, well Score Learning is the right chance for you, and your children.

Again, and again, and again !

Three is the Magic Number, it's well known since Centuries, and it's confirmed these minutes.
Three is the number of's opportunities I am able to accept and satisfy for today, and it's a kind of record if we consider that The Fuji Team Blog is a 0 Google PageRank.
I am so proud to earn money with that little !!
Have a nice reading!

Keeping on my topic

I've just talked about the importance of having a good mathematical background, but you haven't to understand me bad, EACH MATTER has got its own weigth in everybody's culture and knowledge.
Many times, parents are busy with their job offices, and sometimes they have the right culture - or mood - for following their children into their culture's growth.
So, enjoy the faculties of some skilled teachers by submitting your children into a Summer Program tutoring, provided by Score Learning Center.

And wow, a second one!

Well mates, it always seems that as well as I start posting in The Fuji Team Blog, available opportunities come and come!
I have just posted for an opportunity, and I'm just ready to do the same, again.
So mates, let me write here again!
Let's rock, The Fuji Team Blog !!

Culture is always so important

Mathematic is such an important matter. Many teachers say it's unuseful, cause of the few job places for them. First of all, I can say it's not true: Mathematics have got a very wide job market, and so this old "way of talking" must be removed.
Many boys have a hard time while doing their mathematic homework. And you daddy, don't let it go saying "well it's only maths, it's not important", cause it's not true!
Follow him in his exercises: if you've not time, or if you're not able in maths, well you can make him join Math Tutors experiences, provided by Score Learning Center.
It's a good investment, believe me.

Here I am

As Bryan Adams sings, "Here I Am, this is me", and I am ready for the's opportunity opened for me.
I am always so excited when I can post something into The Fuji Team Blog, and obviously being paid for it.
It's not a big sum, ok, but ain't ocean made by small drops of water?
So, drop by drop, I am building my little lake...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Tired of looking at the common sky?

Well mates, if it's so, I can give you the chance to look at a different sky, a deeper one, a brigther and darker one, at the same time!
Start looking at the sky with a different eye, with a wiser one: with a pair of binoculars, everything will be clearer, and nicer too!
And mostly, if your binoculars are able to DRIVE you in the process of discovering, mapping the sky you're looking at, well mates you can really feel like touching the sky with your finger!!
Ain't that incredible? Go and visit, and you'll find tons of interesting and revolutionary gadgets!

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